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Lazy Acres Summer Day Camp provides a safe, fun and exciting Christian based environment for children entering Kinder-8. We are committed to providing our campers a place to learn, play, and grow as individuals, friends, and teammates. We focus on meeting the informal learning needs of our campers throughout the summer break by encouraging exploration and creativity in our 8 unique theme weeks. Each week provides campers an opportunity to learn more about a topic through fun and games… Is there anything better? No way! Every year, we build our team and programming to meet the specific needs of the special children you have entrusted us with. For this reason, we have only the best, most experienced counselors and staff to encourage and guide your children through a summer they will never forget.


Join the fun at
Lazy Acres this summer! 

20 acres to EXPLORE


Bible Based


8 unique and exciting theme weeks






LOW on tech - HIGH on character


Energetic & Experienced CPR cert. counselors 


Accepting campers entering Kinder - 8th grade

2025 Resources

Instructions for submitting forms-

Please use Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat Reader to complete forms and submit successfully. Open the form in Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat Reader. Make a copy and when you are finished, click "Submit" button to allow you to email your forms to admissions.

Get the free latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader from:


2025 lunch menu.png

When completing Monday's lunch order form for the week, kindly include any food allergies.

GF Allergies are $5 more a week.


Healthy Choice Lunches:
All meals are thoughtfully prepared with wholesome, nutritious ingredients and served warm.


Venmo Payments:
Please include the camper's name and the week the payment is for in the comments section.



Camp Hats are early registration exclusives!


Merch pick up is every 



Don't forget to bring your child in sunscreen!!

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Facility tours are available 
by appointment only

Concessions are Back!

Available only during designated

snack and lunch times




$2 |  Gatorade + Snacks 


$3 |  Candy





Stay up to date on all of the fun! 


  • Instagram - Grey Circle


  • Facebook - Grey Circle


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Summer Calendar
camp lunches
Counselor application


Catherine D., Parent

My daughter LOVES summer camp! Lazy Acres is a place where she can explore, make new friends, and just be a kid. As a mom I feel good knowing when I drop her off everyday she is safe and loved. The themed weeks give her a chance to express herself whether it's picking a superhero to dress up as or petting fun animals. Her camp counselors were amazing and they truly loved what they were doing! She can't wait to go back.









Kitty C., Parent

Our son absolutely LOVES Lazy Acres Summer Camp! He has been going there for 3 years. Just a few of his favorite activities are capture the flag, four square and swimming. He has made so manu friends!! He's never ready to leave, but always ready to go to Lazy Acres Summer Camp!!! The Counselors remember the names of the kids every year. They also interact with them!! Every week there is some sort of theme that they are doing!! Capture the Flag or a Pirates, its so fun and creative!! Lazy Acres is not just any summer camp!! It's such a wonderful feeling to see your child so happy to go to a summer camp. Thank you Lazy Acres Summer Camp for making his summer so much fun!!!



Karen B., Parent


My kids love Lazy Acres! The counselors are warm and welcoming. The camp has the perfect balance of indoor and outdoor, structured and non-structured activities. After all, the kids are on Summer Break and they enjoy a little bit of everything. My kids got great exercise at the camp and were already in shape for fall sports, just from playing outside games in the afternoon! We will be back this year!











Q. What time should I drop off and pick up my child? 


A. Our gates are open extended hours (7:30am-5:30pm) for parents that require them, but our camp hour run 8:30-4:30. We recommend drop off from 8:30-9am and pick up between 4-4:15 to allow your child to enjoy every minute of Lazy Acres fun! 


Q. What safety precautions are you putting in to place regarding COVID-19? 


A. The safety of our campers, their families, and our staff is our top priority. We have put multiple new practices into place such as maximizing outdoor time, additional hand-washing stations, individual group activities (limited full camp games), campers and staff ONLY inside buildings. This is a constantly evolving situation, so please reach out via phone or email for the most up to date information. Masks are optional.


Q: Does Lazy Acres provide lunch?


A: We partnered with SG Farmhouse Kitchen to offer catered lunches for the campers. Lunch is $50 for the week and you can order through the camp payments on our website. Lunch orders must be in before camp starts. If you would like to pack a lunch for your child, please pack a healthy and well-balanced lunch. Refrigeration and microwave not provided. Be sure to include 3 extra snacks for the day. Our campers play hard and are extra hungry! 


Q: What are the Summer session prices?


A: Summer camp prices are: $245/child for the week, $295/child for extended hours. Tuition is due Wednesday PRIOR to attendance. $30 late fee/child applied if payment has not been received before Monday of attendance.  Parents may pay for multiple weeks in advance or Monthly Pass for additional discount. There is an annual registration fee of $150 per camper. $100 for each additional sibling.


Q: How do I send in my registration papers and shot records?


A: All registration forms must besubmitted online and shot records are emailed to in .pdf form. Please do not email a photo of your forms. If you do not have access to a scanner, you can use a scan app on your smart phone. Shot records can be scanned and emailed back in. All forms must be received the Wednesday prior to attendance. If you miss the deadline, you will be asked to join us the following week. Contact us with any questions. 


Q: What does my child need to bring to camp?


A: Please see the camper checklist here or graphic below. All personal items must go home on Friday.


Q: Gates are open 7:30 AM-5:30 PM for extended hours and Camp starts 8:30 AM-4:30 PM. Can I drop off early?  What if I am running late?


A: The most important thing you can do is contact `the Director at 281-356-8152 to notify us of your situation and status. Campers paying normal camper hours are not allowed inside camp until 8:25 without notice to Director. Early drop off and Late pickup fees apply. 


Q: Are cell phones/personal electronics allowed at camp?


A: NO. Electronics must remain off and in your child’s bag until the counselor specifically allows. Lazy Acres is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged property.


Q: My child isn’t a strong swimmer. Will they be able to participate in pool time?


A: Yes! The Texas summer is hot and we want everyone to participate in a refreshing cool down. Every camper will be required to complete our lifeguard administered swim test before entering the pool without a life jacket.


Q: What if my child becomes sick at camp?


A: All of our counselors are trained and certified in CPR & First Aid procedures. Parents will be notified by phone if your child becomes ill or injured.  If your child is contagious or unable to participate in camp activities, they may be sent home. Children must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to camp. NO REFUNDS ARE GIVEN, CREDITS FOR OTHER WEEKS MAY BE GIVEN AT CAMPS DISCRETION AND WITH A DOCTORS NOTE.  Please email for week exchange request.


Q: What are the lost & found procedures?


A: All personal property items must be labeled with your child’s first and last name. All lost items will be donated or discarded WEEKLY. Lazy Acres is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items.


Q: Do I need to send snacks?


A: YES! Our campers play hard and need extra fuel between meals. Please pack 3 protein packed, filling snacks that do not require refrigeration. 


Q: How can I make a payment? 


A: You can now make payments online using your credit or debit card. You can also still bring a check if you prefer. Payments must be made by Wednesday prior to attendance.  


Q: Can I come see Lazy Acres before signing my child up for camp? 


A: Yes, you can schedule a tour with us by phone or email Monday-Friday between the hours of 11-4. 


Q: We have the daily checklist for what our camper needs to have at camp. What will my child need to bring to camp and leave and what do they need to bring back and forth to camp everyday?


A: Your camper can leave most of their belongings at camp Monday-Thursday.  We ask them to only bring home their lunch kit, camp shirts and bathing suits to wash and wear back to camp the next day. LASC towels, water bottles, bags, small blanket and small pillow, water shoes, lifejacket and googles will all stay in their assigned cubby until Friday when they take everything home to get washed. In the mornings they will come dressed in a bathing suit, camp shirt and gym shorts, bring their extra clothes and their lunch kit and snacks.  We recommend bringing their extra clothes for the day in a gallon ziplock bag that they can change and put their wet clothes in easily everyday.

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